Join us for the Ace Summer Festival Community Event!


"It’s time to ride the heat wave!"

Share your Ace Summer moments and win over $2000 USD in prizes

The more works submitted, the greater the chance of winning!

Let us race through the whole summer together

Event Period: June 9 ~June 30 23:59 (UTC+8)

Submission link



Track#1 Ace Summer Photo

1. Post any Summer-themed [Ace Racer] related picture content on Facebook with the hashtags #AceRacer #AcePhoto

2. The content must be original, including but not limited to summer outfit showcase, character customization, photo trip mode, car wraps, map showcases, etc.

3. Multiple submissions are allowed and will be considered.


Track#2 Ace Summer Moments

1. Post any Summer-themed [Ace Racer] related video content on TikTok or Youtube with the hashtags #AceRacer #AceSummer

2. The content must be original, including but not limited to summer outfit showcase, character customization, photo trip mode, racing replays, outfit dance moves, etc.

3. Multiple submissions are allowed and will be considered.


Event Rewards

Excellent works will be selected by the official event team members and divided into first prize, second prize, third prize, and special prize. Among them, the "People’s Choice Award" in the special prize will be determined by the number of likes for the track1 (picture) through FB submission; the track2 (video) will be determined by the highest number of views for YouTube submissions and the highest number of clicks ❤ for TikTok submissions. There will be 2 People’s Choice winners on YouTube and 1 on TikTok.



First Prize- Razer Gold $100 USD x 3 winners

Second Prize- Razer Gold $50 USD x 6 winners

Third Prize- Razer Gold $20 USD x 8 winners

People’s Choice Award- Razer Gold $80 USD x 3 winners



First Prize- Razer Gold $100 USD x 3 winners

Second Prize- Razer Gold $50 USD x 6 winners

Third Prize- Razer Gold $20 USD x 8 winners

People’s Choice Award- Razer Gold $80 USD x 3 winners


Rules & Reminders

※ You must fill out the submission form completely. It is recommended to actively private message the official Facebook to make sure we don’t miss your submission.

※ If the player's information is incomplete, misspelled, not set to public, or the link is incorrect, which leads to the staff being unable to contact the player or review the work; or if the submission post format is incorrect, or the work does not meet the requirements, it will be deemed as abandoning the right to participate without further notice.

※ The submitted pictures and videos must be kept public and searchable to facilitate the awarding process. Failure to review the video during the awarding period will be deemed as abandoning the right to participate.

※ If the reward cannot be claimed for any reason, the winner is not entitled to demand any form of transfer or reduction of cash.

※ If any improper method is used to participate in the activity, "Ace Racer" has the right to cancel the winner's qualification to receive all rewards.

※ Participation in the activity represents that you have read the notes and agreed to all activity rules. Failure to correctly complete the participation method will be deemed as waiving the right to participate in the prize draw.

※ All participating players must agree that the pictures and videos submitted during the activity can be used for various posts and promotions on the "Ace Racer" community media.

※ "Ace Racer" reserves the right to modify, change, interpret, and cancel the activity. If there are any relevant changes, they will be announced on the official fan page, without further notice.